Course Curriculum
The Way features The Backpack Program from Backpack Productions. Throughout the course three sections will be explored, Relationship with Self, Relationship with others, and Relationship with God.
-Self Awareness
Identifying Feelings
Accepting Feelings
Making Choices
-Driving Your Brain
Funnctions of the Brain
Limbic System VS Neocortex
-Developmental Psychology
-Mental Health
-Physical Health
-Coping Skills for:
Grief, Etc
-“I Am Imperfect”
Physical Boundaries
Psychological Boundaries
Sexual Boundaries
Spiritual Boundaries
Asserting & Respecting Boundaries
-Unhealthy Relationships
-Healthy Relationships
-Examining Your Personal Relationship with God
-The Sacrament of Reconciliation
-Models of the Church
-The Undefended Life
-Contemplative Prayer